UT-96 Methods of presentation in land management

The Faculty of Urban Planning / Territorial Planning and Regional Development
1st Year, sem 2, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 4P | ECTS Credits: 9
Urban Planning and Territorial Development
Course Leader:
lect.dr.urb. Liviu Veluda
Teaching Staff:
conf.dr.arh Gabriel Pascariu, lect. dr. urb. Liviu Veluda, asist.dr.urb. Matei Radu Cocheci
Learning outcomes:
The goal of the studio activity is to get students familiar with the specific representation methods and techniques used in the current territorial planning projects. The students will get the skills and abilities to achieve on their own different types of representations of medium and high level difficulty and also to understand, explain, comment different types of graphical representation. The different techniques and methods of graphical representation involve the knowledge and skill of making use of specific computer design programmes, capacity to process and combine multiple types of data, to understand and explain indicators and other elements which characterise a territory from geographical, social, economical, cultural, environmental point of view. The project aims to make use of the knowledge got by students during the bachelor programmes and to homogenize their skills of interpreting, processing and representing statistical or other type of information about the territory.
The project is made of 4 different practical exercises, representing successive stages of practicing and understanding of specific techniques and methods for graphical representation.
Exercise no. 1: documentary fiches
Documentary research and completion of commented documentary fiches about methods and mans of graphical representation and statistical analyses, excerpted from territorial and regional development plans.
Exercise no. 2: designing logical schemes
The exercise consists in text analyses and processing the information in the synthetic form of a logical scheme, a diagram, a graph or a table.
Exercise no. 3: designing a cartogram
Making a cartogram and going through the preparatory stages such as: preparing the graphical support, selection of data, computing the indicators, setting up hierarchies, designing cartograms and adequate diagrams.
Exercise no. 4: representation of settlements systems
The exercise involves the design of specific thematic cartograms and schemes and the preparatory stages such as: preparing the graphical support, selection of data, computing the indicators etc. It also involves commented analyses of a specific plate.
Teaching Method:
Lectures, video presentations, debates and discussions on territorial physical plans, studio activities.
The project is evaluated by a mark which is a weighted score of the individual marks for the 4 exercises.
1. Law 350 /2001 - on spatial planning; published in Official Journal 373 /2001.
2. Law 5 /2000 on the National Territorial Physical Plan - Section III - Protected Areas, OJ 152 /2000.
3. Law 351 / 2001 on the National Territorial Physical Plan - Section IV - Human Settlements Network, OJ 408 /2001.
4. Ministerial Order 91 /1991 on documents and proceedings for building permit and content of spatial planning documents foreseen by law 50 /1991 in OJ 228 /1991 (only for the conventional signs).
5. Territorial studies and plans: www.mdrt.ro, www.urbanproiect.ro, www.incerc.ro etc.
6. ESPON studies: www.espon.org
7. Various papers and works depending on the specific studio theme
8. Course brochure