SFA-35 Photography

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Interior Architecture
3rd Year, sem 2, 2024-2025 | Optional Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2
Fișa disciplinei:
SFA-35 Fotografie.pdf
Study of Form and Ambience
Course Leader:
Andreea Ivanciof
Learning outcomes:
The course develops students' ability to use photographic techniques from classic to modern by handling different types of equipment.
The course will begin by introducing the general notions of composition of the photographic image and will continue by studying and using current programs that use photography and are necessary in interior architecture and design, such as: image processing programs, 3D modeling, photogrammetry, of video-mapping and artificial intelligence.
The student learns exactly where and how photography is applied in the design process.
Studied elements will result in a project with the theme chosen by the student.
1. Introduction
2. Defining the notion of concept + Choosing the theme of the project
3. Compositional principles
4. History of Photography
5. Light in Photography
6. Color in Photography
7. Types of Cameras/Equipment and how to use
8. Focusing on Architecture and Design photography
9. Photogrammetry
10. 3D modeling programs with the help of Photography and how we use
11. Image processing programs and how we use
12. Dynamics/Movement in Photography- Photo collage and Video montage - programs and how we use
13. Video-Mapping definition and specific programs
14. The relationship between Photography and Artificial Intelligence
Teaching Method:
Lectures accompanied by examples on the projector.
Computer work with guidance and theoretical and practical exposure of the studied programs.
Usign specific equipment for photography.
Synthesizing and active interpretation of the students' implication in the photographic process.
Attendance and active participation in the course (50%)
Evaluation of the photographic project (composed of image + essay) that will be introduced on the day of the exam
1. ARNHEIM RUDOLF, Arta și percepția vizuală, Editura Meridiane, 1979
2. ARTHUR F. JONES, Introducere in Arta, Lider, 1992
3. - BISTRIȚEANU DAN, Filtre fotografice, Editura Tehnică, București, 1989
4. - CERNEA PAUL, Fiziologie oculară, Editura Medicală, 1986
5. - CONSTANTIN PAUL, Culoare - artă – ambient, Editura Meridiane, 1979.
6. - DABNER DAVID, Grafic design, Editura RAO, 2005
7. - DÎMBOIANU ANTON, Amenajarea locuinței, Editura Tehnică, 1962.
8. - EFIMOV ANDREI V., Cromatica orașului, Moscova, 1990.
9. - ERNST BRUNO, The Eye Beguiled – Optical Illusions, Taschen GmbH, 1992.
10. - GALER MARK, HORVAT LES, Imaginea digitală, Editura Ad Libri, București, 2004.
11. - GOLU M., DICU A., Culoare și comportament, Editura Scrisul Românesc, Craiova 1974.
12. - GOMBRICH E. H., Arta și iluzie, Editura Meridiane, 1973
13. - GRIMLEY CHRIS, LOWE MIMI, Color, Space and Style, Rockport Publishers, 2007.
14. - HOCKNEY DAVID, Știința secretă, Editura RAO, 2007
15. H.A.BOX, T.R. DIPPLE, How to draw and paint succesfully, Thomas &CO Preston
16. - HUȚANU GHEORGHE, De la optica clasică la optica modernă, Ed. Științifică și Enciclopedică, Buc., 1984
17. - IONESCU IULIUS, Lumină și culoare, Editura UAUIM, 2013
18. - ITTEN JOHANNES, VERLANG OTTO MAIER, Kunst der Farbe, Ravensburg, 1967.
19. - LANEYRIE – DAGEN NADEIJE, Pictura – secrete și dezvăluiri, Editura RAO, 2004.
20. - LĂZĂRESCU LIVIU, Culoare în artă, Editura Polirom, 2009
21. LUCIAN RAICU, Grafic si Vizual intre Clasic si Modern, Paideia, 2002
22. - MIHĂIESCU DAN, Limbajul culorilor și al formelor, Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică, București, 1980
23. - ORMISTON ROSALIND, ROBINSON MICHAEL, Colour Source Book, Flame Tree Publishing, 2007
The course has a theoretical and practical character that wants to develop the ability to adapt to the labor market of the studied field (interior architecture and design) through photography technology that is in permanent development.