ST-36 Building Statics and Materials' Strength

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Interior Architecture
2nd Year, sem 2, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C+1S | ECTS Credits: 3
Fișa disciplinei:
ST-36 Statica si rezistenta materialelor.pdf
Technical Sciences
Course Leader: Adrian Iordăchescu
Learning outcomes:
Adequate knowledge of mechanics, statics and structures for buildings, loadings. Calculation of reactions and cross section loads for statically determined structures. Calculation of structural systems made of bars, under simple loadings.
1 C1 + C2 Fundamental notions. Definitions: structure, members / structural subassemblies, non-structural members, structural performance criteria (stability, strength, ductility, stiffness), loads, structural response.
Notions of construction statics. The equilibrium of rigid body. The axioms of statics.
2 S1 Systems of forces: random, concurrent, parallel. Couples of forces. Composition and decomposition of concurrent forces systems using geometrical and analytical methods.
3 C3 + C4 Calculation of the moment of a force vs. a point / axis.
4 S2 Applications - resolving force systems. Applications concerning calculation of the moment of a force vs. a point / axis. Calculation of reactions for body with supports. Applications. Equilibrium of body with supports. The axiom of reactions. Calculation of reactions for elementary and assembled structures, pin-pointed bars. Calculation of reactions for body with supports. Applications.
5 C5 + C6 Deformability of bodies. The response of deformable materials (static and geometric parameters of response).
6 S3 Calculation of reactions for elementary structures (simply supported beams, cantilevers, triple hinged frames), continuous beams. Applications.
7 C7 + C8 Physical background of the strength of materials: stress-strain curve of materials. Behavior under loading, types of failures, breaking, yielding / plastification. The concepts of simple deformation, cross-section stress, simple loading.
8 S4 Evaluation test
9 C9 Evaluation test - cross section geometrical characteristics
10 C10 Strength and stiffness of bar elements. Geometry of sections. Criteria for pre-dimensioning: allowable stresses, allowable deflections. Members under centric tension and compression.
11 S5 Calculation of sectional loads. Drawing diagrams of sectional loads for elementary statically determined structures (simply supported beams, cantilevers, triple hinged frames), for continuous beams.
12 C11 +C12 Members under pure bending and bending with shear. Criteria of design. Rational cross-sections.
13 S6 Design of bar elements under tension / compression. Applications on timber and steel bars.
14 C13 Evaluation test - Structural elements analysis
15 S7 Examples of members calculation under pure bending and bending with shear - applications
16 C14 General Recapitulation
Teaching Method:
14 courses and 7 seminars including theoretical courses and applications (calculations examples).
Written examination with theoretical and applicative content at the end of semester. The final mark represents an average between the examination mark (25%) and the average of the verification test (25% + 25%) and of working class verifications (25%). The minimum accepted mark to pass is 5 (five). Attendance to the course is compulsory for being admitted to enter the final written examination.
Georgescu,M., Building Statics and Materials' Strength– courses presentations PP on CD, 2010
Ionescu, D., Mecanica structurilor I,II, III, Editura Institutului de arhitectură “Ion Mincu”, București, 1980
Ionescu, D., Mecanica structurilor Aplicații. Editura Institutului de arhitectură “Ion Mincu”, București, 1980
Vlad, I., Macavei, F., Calculul sistemelor structurale la acțiuni statice, vol. I, Editura Tehnică, București, 2002.
At the end of the courses shall be short written tests connected with the discussed items.