- Fișa disciplinei:
- ST-35 Finisaje.pdf
- Department:
- Technical Sciences
- Course Leader:
- conf. Gabriela Mindu
- Learning outcomes:
- Developing the ability to work with specific materials of this area, closely knowing all their features and performance, in order to create a broad as posible of a field of use; developing the ability to understand and execute the specific drawn parts of a detail finishing drawing necessary to carry out the finishing works, understanding the principles and methods of design, solution finding and execution of non-structural and finishing work, aimed at completing the building from a functionally and aesthetically point of vue, consistent with the requirements and performance indicated by the existing Romanian rules and regulations within the field.
- Content:
- Introduction to Romanian rules and regulations in this field (relationship between building & environment; general principles of composition for vertical, horizontal and inclined components).
Flooring - Classification by type of requirements, types of suport layers and materials.
Cold floors. Types, compositions, details.
Warm Floors. Industrial floors.
Raised floors - types, compositions, usage, concealed facilities and equipment, fittings, detail solutions.
Design of interior floors with improved qualities: thermal insulation systems, radiant and floating floors.
Waterproofing floors and other waterproofing works in spaces with public functions. Structural floors.
Wet interior finishes for walls and ceilings - materials used in traditional and modern compositions and their specific technologies.
Decorative elements for walls and ceilings - comparative analysis of techniques with examples.
Special painting systems (modern techniques of decoration, textured, anticorrosive, antifungal, flame retardant, anti-graffiti, waterproofing, etc.)
Dry interior finishes for walls and ceilings - materials used in classical and modern compositions and their specific technologies.
Dry panels on walls - comparative analysis of materials and techniques with examples.
Ceiling - materials. Traditional, modern and contemporary compositions. Norms and regulations in the field.
Synthesis. Complex high-performance ceiling systems.
Joints between different types of finishes - walls, ceilings, floors, insulation, extensions: their connection with the seismic or expansion joints, etc., mechanical fasteners types, adhesives or profiles, etc.
Lightweight division walls (definition, purpose, features, traditional systems, modern and contemporary solutions).
Design principles and implementation of interior space division sistems in accordance with the rules and regulations.
Medium height vertical separators, used in areas with large openings.
Guardrails - Handrails. Fundamental elements of theory.
General principles. Materials, traditional and modern compositions. Examples of national and international achievements.
Design and construction principles for stairs and ramps; fundamental theoretical elements. Rules for Calculating Circular Stairs Dimensions & Design.
Stairs with bearing ramps. Stairs with bearing steps.
Interior doors - classification by mode of opening, terminology, materials, presentation of the different ways of doors and door lining execution according to performance levels required. Accessories and fittings.
Windows - classification, performance, rules.
Windows and doors profile systems and special fittings: resistant to fire, burglary, armor, self-locking, etc - types and uses.
Removable partion to be used in multifunctional spaces.
Integration of equipment and facilities in the general view of the interior space (fireplaces, fans or air conditioning in the floor, etc.) - types, solutions, details.
Skylights - types, performance, standards and regulations.
Pitched roof and converted loft: principles, performances and regulations.
Types of frames and roofs from the perspective of arranging an attic - design principles for interior comfort, hygrothermal optimization and energy efficiency in accordance with current regulations.
- Teaching Method:
- Theoretical lectures accompanied by illustrative material (laptop, drawing tablet, etc.)
- Assessment:
- Assessment during the semester activity (40% = 10% attendance + questions at course, 30% graphic test during the semester) and 60% final evaluation (graphic test + multiple choice test).
- Bibliography:
- VITTONE René, Bâtir - Manuel de la construction, Lausanne, 1996;
WELSH John, Modern house, Phaidon, 1996;
MANNES Willibald, Technique de construction des escaliers, Eyrolles, Paris, 1992 ;
DABIJA Ana-Maria, Noțiuni de proiectare a tâmplăriilor la clădiri cu funcțiuni civile, Editura Universitară "Ion Mincu", ed. a II-a;
DABIJA Ana-Maria, Noțiuni de proiectare a scărilor la clădiri cu funcțiuni civile. Elemente de curs pentru anul III, Editura Universitară „Ion Mincu” (EUIM), Ed. a 2-a rev., 2006;
STAN Alexandru, Finisaj - partea I, curs IAIM ed. 1989; STAN Alexandru, DABIJA Ana-Maria, Addenda la cursul de Finisaj;
STAN Alexandru, DABIJA Ana-Maria, Sinteză documentară de tavane cu finisaj uscat;
STAN Alexandru, DABIJA Ana-Maria, PRUNCU C., Documentație de pardoseli în soluții moderne;
DABIJA Ana-Maria, Sisteme performante pentru fațade;MITTAG Martin, Détails d'Architecture. Répertoire de solutions d'utilité pratique pour la construction choix basé sur cinq années de travail rédactionnel à la Deutsche Bauzeitschrift
Ed. Eyrolles, 1960;
MITTAG Martin, Practique de la Construction;
ESSER Klaus, Details... Details;
RAMSEY & SLEEPER, Graphic Standards;
Collection of Standards, Norms and Regulations in the field
LORENZO Soledad, New european furniture design, Barcelona 9 vol. (I + II);
SFINTEȘ Radu și CTA, Catalog de subansambluri vol 1, EUIM.