ST-15 Buildings' Physics

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Interior Architecture
4th Year, sem 1, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C+1S | ECTS Credits: 3
Fișa disciplinei:
ST-15 Fizica constructiilor (1).pdf
Technical Sciences
Course Leader:
conf. Radu Pană
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge of bioclimatic environment agents: heat, water, sunlight, sound, biologic etc.
Understanding the complex inter-relation between human - architecture - environment.
Ability to guarantee building user's hygrothermic, natural light and acoustic comfort.
Capacity to correlate building physics elements with physiologic and psychological aspects, with specific building assemblies as a whole and in detail and with architectural aesthetic.
Physical, physiological and spatial acoustics. Phonoabsorbtion, phonoinsulation.
Principles and details of phonoabsorbant structures. Porous material, vibrant membranes, rezonators. Complex phonoabsorbant structures. Principles and details of phono-insulant structures. Simple and double heavy walls, light walls, doors and windows.
Acoustic protection in buildings, regarding exterior and interior noise. Principles and general measures; methodology to assure the minimum required protection against airborn and structural noise for usual situations.
Acoustical study of spaces with acoustical destination. Criteria, principles and solutions.
Energy exchange between human-building-environment; heat as a form of energy; ways of heat migration.
Thermophysiology; hygrothermic comfort. Stationary hygrothermic hypothesis; heat transfer through opaque and transparent building elements. Water vapour diffusion through building elements.
Continuity of thermal protection of building anvelope; thermal bridges; hole anvelope thermic performance: global coefficient G. Annual thermal balance of a building. Non-stationary hygrothermic hypothesis.
Ways of improving hygrothermic performance through architectural design; typical design details for key-points of building anvelope.
Natural light; physical properties. Methods of determination of natural lighting: analytical methed, points nomogram method.
The Sun; Sun-Earth relationhip; real movement of Earth aroud the Sun; seasons; apparent movement of Sun; Sun coordinates. Sunpath diagram.
Shadow mask: concept, ways of construction. Selective control of sunlight with Sunpath diagram and shadow mask.
Teaching Method:
Lectures, illustrated with computer video projection. 2 application individual works during semester weeks.
Final grade is made of 40% continuous evaluation (2 application works) and 60% final evaluation (multiple choise test)
STAN, A Fizica Construcțiilor – Partea I (Higrotermica) – breviar UAUIM
*** C107 Norm series, Buletinul Construcțiilor - 2002, 2005
MICLESCU, S Lumina naturală și lumina artificială în arhitectură – breviar UAUIM
OPREANU, M Fizica Construcțiilor – Partea a doua – breviar UAUIM
OLGYAY & OLGYAY Solar control & shading devices
*** Daylighting in Architecture. A European Reference Book
SMIGELSCHI, M Acustica în arhitectură – breviar UAUIM