- Fișa disciplinei:
- SFA-131 Analiza context si legislatie - proiect atelier.pdf
- Department:
- Study of Form and Ambience
- Course Leaders:
- Learning outcomes:
- - familiarization of the student with basic legal aspects of design, especially those aspects which intervene in Interior Architecture
- consciousness of the relation of the architecture project with urban regulations and quality requirements in construction
- knowledge of specific rules of copyrighting
- creating a safe and equitable relationship between the architect and client
- Content:
- 1. Integration of the building in the city. Constructible surface, dominant, accent, occupation percentage, urban density
2. Integration of the building in the city. Architectural and historical value, historical plans, architectural styles. List of the historical monuments. Protected areas - legislative aspects
3. GUP, ZUP, DUP. Integration of the architectural project in the urban regulations. Stipulations of the Civil Code.
4. The architectural project - quality requirements (L 10/1995 – Law of Quality in Construction - completed and republished, requirements A, B – Normative P 100/2019, Normative NP 068-02)
5. The architectural project - quality requirements (requirement C - Normative NP 118/1999 ….. 2013, NP 127/2009)
6. The architectural project - quality requirements (L 10/1995 – Law of Quality in Construction - completed and republished, requirements D, E, F – Normative C107/2005 and subsequent completing)
7. The architecture project - sustainability requirements. Systems of energetic certification at national/international level
8. Architect's responsibility (L 184/2001). Deontological code. Regulations. Minimal Design Honorariums (reference). Signature right. Professional organizations and their role (OAR, UAR, UIA etc.)
9. The design contract. General contractor/ Architecture designer/ Specialties designers
10.The design contract. Subcontracting. Professional insurance. Specific competences of the interior architect
11. Phases of the project and their authorization. DTAC. Urbanism Certificate, Construction Permit, Demolition Permit
12. Phases of the project and their authorization. Detailing and consulting on the building site. Determinant phases. Final reception of works. Authorization subsequent to reception. Maintenance
13. Specific activities of interior architecture design and their specific contract. The unity of the interior architecture project and its turning into execution.
14. Litigations and mediation. The analysis of some design situations from the perspective of respecting legislation in construction
- Teaching Method:
- - theoretical course ex cathedra
- comments on some case studies
- corrections of the specific project elaborated in two phases by the students
- studio corrections of the students activity
- Assessment:
- -elaboration of a project in 2 phases, with a drawn and a written component, as follows:
1. Documentation and theme of the project, muticriterial analysis of the context - 50% of the final grade
2. The situation of the project in design normatives and quality requirments - 50% of the final grade
- Bibliography:
- General legislation in Romania
L 184/2001
L 350/2001
L 50/1991
L 10/1995
L 114/1996
Legea nr.182/2000
Legea nr.422/2001
Civil Code
Specific Normatives for the construction quality requirments
Neufert, Ernst - Norme de proiectare în arhitectură, ed. Verlag Ullstein Gmbh, Frankfurt/M – Berlin, 2000
ASTENGO, Giovanni - Urbanistica, la scienza del futuro, Editura La Finestra, Lavìs, 2011
CANTACUZINO, G.M. – Izvoare și popasuri, Editura Eminescu, 1977
CRĂCIUN Cerasella - Culegere de documente legislative în domeniul peisajului natural, antropic și cultural în amenajarea teritoriului și în urbanism, Editura Universitară „Ion Mincu”, București, 2010
LASCU, Nicolae - Evoluția legislației și reglementărilor referitoare la dezvoltarea urbanistică și a locuințelor în România până la al doilea război mondial, cercetare în cadrul unui contract cu „Urban Proiect”, București, 1993
LYNCH, Kevin – The Image of the City, Cambridge, Mass., 1960
Normative privind cerințele de calitate ale construcțiilor
NP 118/1999 ….. 2013 Normativ de siguranta la foc a construcțiilor și legislație conexă:
NP 127/2009 normativ de securitate la incendiu al parcajelor subterane
„Normativ privind proiectarea clădirilor civile din punct de vedere al cerinței de siguranță în exploatare", indicativ NP 06802
"Normativ privind adaptarea clădirilor civile și spațiului urban la nevoile individuale ale persoanelor cu handicap, indicativ NP 051-2012 - Revizuire NP 051/2000"
C107 /1 Normativ privind calculul coeficienților de izolare termică la clădirile de locuit (MO 1124 bis /2005).
C107 /2 Normativ privind calculul coeficientilor de izolare termică la clădirile cu alta destinatie decat cele de locuit
- Notes:
- The technical component of the knowledge obtained within the courses will be found in the written part of the final work delivered by the student (Architecture Report)