SFA-110 Functional Conversion of theArchitectural Space

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Interior Architecture
4th Year, sem 1, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2
Fișa disciplinei:
SFA-110 Conversia functionala a spatiului arhitectural.pdf
Study of Form and Ambience
Course Leader:
conf. Elena Codina Dușoiu
Learning outcomes:
The aim is to understand the term "architectural conversion" and to situate it in the context of rehabilitation of the constructed fund and sustainable development. Functional conversion is analyzed through a multi-criteria analysis, starting with a presentation of the phenomenon from the historical point of view and continuing with a theory of the contemporary situation, based on the analysis of a series of architectural conversions taken from the European and American space. Principles of intervention in changing architectural function, divided into categories of buildings with private or public use, are presented. Categories are drawn from a symbolic, aesthetic, constructive and functional point of view, according to the necessities of satisfying quality criteria in design according to European demands. The course provides information and theoretical arguments in view of the choice of the subject for the diploma project and will facilitate the establishment of the reasoning forming the basis of the final project.
Definition of some operational terms: rehabilitation of buildings, conversion, sustainable development etc.
Presentation of historical cases of recycling of the constructed fund, re-use of materials and functional conversion, presented in a chronologic perspective.
The recycling of buildings in the context of growing demands of realizing sustainable development in architecture and urbanism. Architecture as a palimpsest, the keeping of initial senses and attributes above functional change.
Specific standard necessities for new functions installed in existing spaces. Specific features of some architecture programmes in the context of their settlement into an existing space. The architecture of the dwelling. The library, the mediathèque, the cultural centre. The museum and the exhibition space. Spaces for performance. The concerts and conference hall, the theatre, the choreographic centre etc. Sports functions and loisir. Restaurants, bistros and bars. The functional change of religious spaces.
Industrial archaeology - definition and application object. The conversion of industrial spaces - specific problems.
Technological aspects concerning ambient comfort and other specific demands for the transformed spaces.
Realization of practical works (essay, sketch for intervention) by the students - guidance and oral presentation
Teaching Method:
Theoretic course, presentation of invited guests, visits to patrimony buildings and building sites, preliminary works realised by the students individually and in teams. An interactive teaching method, with a maximum implication of the students, will be employed.
Evaluation consists in activity during the course (20%), the elaboration of the written paper (documentation sheets), consulting the recommended bibliography and guidance (30%) and written exam (50%).
1. Cantacuzino, Sherban - Architecture In Continuity. Building In The Islamic World Today, Aperture, New York 1985
2. Cantacuzino, Șerban - Nuevos usos para edificios antiguos, Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona 1979
3. Cantacuzino, Sherban - Re-Architecture, Thames& Hudson, 1989
4. Coignet, Jean - Rehabilitation - arts de bâtir traditionnels - connaîssance et tėchnique, Aix-en-Provence, 1987
5. Cowan, Henry J. - An Historical Outline of Architecture Science, Applied Science Publishers, London 1977
6. Dictionary of Building Preservation - Ward Bucher, Edited by Preservation Press John Wiley &Sons Inc. 1996
7. Donhead, Derek Latham - Creative Re-use of Buildings, The Bath Press, Bath 2000
8. Duval, G. - Restauration et réutilisation des monuments, P.Mardaga éditeur, Liège 1990
9. Edwards, Brian - Rough Guide to Sustainability, în varianta spaniolă Guía básica de la sostenibilidad, Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona 2008
10. Feilden, B.M. - Conservation of Historic Buildings, Architectural Press, Oxford, 1996
11. Mostaedi, Arian - Building Conversion&Renovation, Barcelona, Filabo S.A
Visits to architectural objectives which were transformed or are potential study objects for conversion will be done.