PID-16 Interior Design – Evolution and Trends

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Interior Architecture
3rd Year, sem 1, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2
Interior Design and Design
Course Leaders:
Learning outcomes:
The course aims to enable the students to select, organize and coordinate the interior design elements and the objects contained by the interior space.
1. The capacity to underline the interdependence between the built space (envelope) and the objects that are forming the interior ambience (content).
2.Corroborating the characteristics of different exterior-interior architectural styles, in order to use them properly as references during the design process as students and later as professionals.
3. To work with stylistic invariants in order to realize harmonious and unitary interior compositions.
4. To develop a stylistic research, to select and synthesize the information in order to use them into projects.
1. Arredamento - defining the term and its meaning (interior space with its outer skin and content).
The positioning of the Interior Architect in relation to the other specializations that may have different degrees of intervention on the interior spaces.
Analyzing some examples of arredamento with specific tools, following the reference epochs:
1. Egyptian Antiquity
2. Greek and Etruscan Antiquity
3. Roman Antiquity
4. Byzantine Civilization
5. Middle Ages – 8th-15th C.
6. 16th C. – Renaissance and Mannerism
7. 17th C. – Classicism and Baroque
8. 18th C. – from Classicism to Baroque and Rococo and back
9. A Changing World – the threshold between 18th and 19th centuries
10. 19th C. – Eclecticism and more
11. A new approach of art and architecture: Art Nouveau
12. Rationalism, The Bauhaus School and Internațional Style
13. Art Deco and its Post-modern and contemporary influences
14. Trends in Post-War interior design. A paradigmatic architect: Carlo Scarpa.
Teaching Method:
Theoretic lectures with images and computer processed images.
Admitted to examination with a minimum of 50%+1 presence in class.
Final grade: 50% active presence in class + 50% examination
Selected BIBLIOGRAPHY (UAUIM Library classification quota)

PhD Thesis:
VIȘAN, Constantin, Arhitectura interiorului, UAUIM 2011, DR 379
CROITORU, Mariana, Arhitectura de interior în România: o istorie din prima jumătate a secolului XX, UAUIM 2012, DR 385

AUSSEL, A., Etudes des styles du mobilier, Paris, Dunod 1991 CAR II 36 TEMPUS AUS
BERAIN, Jean, Decorations Interieurs style Louis XIV (album), Paris, A. Morel st Cie. [s.a.] CAR III 251 BER
BIRREN, F., Colour for Interiors, Whitney Library of Design, New York 1963 CAR II 1843 BIR
***, Călători străini despre țările române, vol. I-VI, București 1970-1976; CAR II 2485 HOL
DÂMBOIANU, Anton, Amenajarea interioară, note de curs CAR III 5140 DAM
DUMITRESCU, Cristian, Stilistica de interior, Editura Eurobit, Timișoara 2012, DUM II 8434
FRIEDMANN, Arnold; PILE, John F.; WILSON, Forrest, Interior Design – An Introduction to Architectural Interiors, American Elsevier Inc, New York 1970; CAR II 2690 FRI
GRAUR, Neaga, Stilurile în arta decorativă, București, ed. Ceres 1970 CAR I 3380 GRA
FRIELING, Heinrich, Influence psichologique et dinamisme des couleurs dans les interieurs CAR I 3281 FRI
IORGA, Nicolae, Les arts mineurs en Roumanie, București, Editions de l’Imprimerie de l’Etat 1934 CAR III 88 IOR
LAURITZEN, Peter, ZIELKE, Alexander, Palaces of Venice, Oxford, Phaidon press Ltd. 1978 CAR III 3284 LAU
MICHELIS, P.A., Estetica Arhitecturii, București, Ed. Meridiane 1982; CAR I 7148 MIC
NORBERG SCHULZ, Christian, Existence, Space and Architecture, London, Studio Vista 1971 CAR I 3803 NOR
PATRULIUS, Radu, Locuința în timp și spațiu, Ed. Tehnică, București 1975; CAR II 3140 PAT
PEVSNER, Nikolaus, Pioneers of Modern Design: from William Morris to Walter Gropius, London, Penguin Books 1972 CAR I 4472 PEV
PORTER, Tom și MIKELLIDES, Byron, Colour for Architecture, Studio Vista, London 1976; CAR III 2246 POR
STOICA, Georgeta, Interiorul locuinței țărănești, București CAR I 4160 STO
VERLET, Pierre (ed.), Le style Louis XV, Paris, Librairie Larousse 1942; CAR I 84 REA