PID-115 Architecture studio (4.4)

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Interior Architecture
4th Year, sem 2, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1C+9P | ECTS Credits: 6
Fișa disciplinei:
PID-115 I Atelier arhitectura (4.4).pdf
Interior Design and Design
Course Leader:
conf. Oana Diaconescu
Teaching Staff: Mihaela Lazăr / lect.dr.arh.Daniel N.Armenciu / prof.dr.arh. Tomnița Florescu / lect.dr.arh. Justin Baroncea
Learning outcomes:
- ability to synthesize information on trends for exhibition spaces (case studies, specific issues)
- the ability to express a concept in art
- the importance of integrating theoretical notions and other projects into the design
- the ability to collaborate within the design team
Within the cultural center proposal, the second project of the semester is about a temporary exhibition space - with 3 types of exhibits. The project will be integrated with a short lighting project, to reveal the importance of choosing the lighting system for this function.
The project will also include the proposal of a multiSENSORY art installation, which gives students the opportunity to be interior architects, but also artists or curators, thus personalizing their proposals.
Teaching Method:
- ppt presentations, visits and case studies in situ, design studio tutoring
- public presentation in front of a jury (tutors and guests)
Arnheim, Rudolf – Arta și percepția vizuală, Editura Polirom, 2011
Higgins, Ian – Spatial Strategies for Interior Design, Lawrence King Publishing, 2015
Lord, Barry; Piacente, Maria - Manual of Museum Exhibitions, Rowman & Littlefield, 2014
Neufert, Ernst - Manualul arhitectului, Editura Alutus, 2004
Pallasmaa, Juhani – Privirea care atinge: arhitectura și simțurile, Editura Fundației Arhitext design, 2015, București
Strong, J., Theatre Buildinds – a design guide, Ed. Routlege, 2010, New York
Wu, Aimee; Qu, Anna - Fascinating Exhibition Space, Phoenix Publishing Limited, 2012
- for the 2022 - 2023 academic year, the location is the former factory Halele Carol - Bucharest