PID-114 Architectural Design Studio and Theory of Architectural Design (4.2)

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Interior Architecture
4th Year, sem 2, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C+8P | ECTS Credits: 12
Fișa disciplinei:
FI-I PID-114 Proiectare arhitectura si teoria proiectului (4.3).pdf
Interior Design and Design
Course Leader:
conf. Cristina Pană
Learning outcomes:
- the ability to synthesize the information regarding the trends in the field (case studies, specific aspects, technical sheets) and to analyze the existing space: volume, interior-exterior relationship, technical constraints (structure, installations)
- the ability to find and complete an optimal solution from functional point of view, to express a concept from the overall composition to the details
- the importance of integrating the theoretical notions from specialized courses into design
- the ability to collaborate within the design team
The mixed-function hotel and office project emerged as an adaptation during the pandemic, when neither the hotels had customers, nor the offices were 100% occupied.
Phase 1 includes the visit and analysis of the site and will study the hotel function, with the reception area and at least 2 accommodation options.
Phase 2 - under the generic name of offices, trends in the field will be studied and a company headquarters will be proposed, as well as spaces for rent for various work options (from individual to shared spaces)
Teaching Method:
- ppt. presentations, location visit, case studies in situ and design studio tutoring
- presentation in front of a jury - tutors and guests
Higgins, Ian – Spatial Strategies for Interior Design, Lawrence King Publishing, 2015
Neufert, Ernst - Manualul arhitectului, Editura Alutus, 2004
Pallasmaa, Juhani – Privirea care atinge: arhitectura și simțurile, Editura Fundației Arhitext design, 2015, București

Interior Design, Detail, Divisare, The Plan, Arhitectural Lighting