- Fișa disciplinei:
- PID-10 Studiul formei (4).pdf
- Department:
- Interior Design and Design
- Course Leader:
- lect. Răzvan Lăcraru
- Learning outcomes:
- - The ability to observe the inner environment and to analyze the compositional principles that is generating it
- Understanding the relationship between the three-dimensional object and the user
- Using composition as a method show the essence of the architectural space
- Integration of materials, textures and color into the design process from the conceptual stage.
- Content:
- Allocated 42 hours in 3 modules:
1st Theme (13 ore). Making a brochure for the presentation of the Faculty of Interior Architecture.
2nd and 3rd Theme (16 ore). Representation of a composition made of a series of objects that make up an interior environment based on two distinct principles of composition (eg, antisymmetry and referentialness)
4th Theme (13 ore). Representation of a given solid, that will represent a current use object, in relation with it’s scale and it’s position towards the user. The final paper will focus on the relationship between human silhouette and object.
- Teaching Method:
- Theoretical presentations, panel submissions. individual corrections, guidance during the project, the elaboration of documentation and their presentation, studies based on models and three-dimensional models
- Assessment:
- The final grade will be the arithmetic average between 3 of the bast grades out of 4. (the judging of the projects will be made with a cometee formed from the professors of both groups).
- Bibliography:
- There will be a bibliographic lists for each project.