IT-23 Visual Culture (aesthetics)

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Interior Architecture
4th Year, sem 1, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1C | ECTS Credits: 2
Fișa disciplinei:
IT-23 Cultura vizuala (estetica).pdf
History & Theory of Architecture and Heritage Conservation
Course Leader:
prof.dr.arh. Augustin Ioan
Learning outcomes:
The students will be able to discuss on aesthetic categories, values, judgment and a basic introduction in visual culture today
1. Introduction to a general theory of the arts
2. General aesthetics and particular aesthetics. The aesthetics of architecture.
3. Aesthetic categories. Beauty. Beauty in architecture
4. Sublime. Sublime in architecture. Colossal vs monumental. Bigness. Sacredness
5. Tragic. Tragic in arhitecture
6. Comic. Irony, self-irony and humor in arhitecture
7. Heroic, tragi-comicul, picturesque. Architectural equivalents.
8. On value. Origins of the concept of value. Absolute value. Contextual value, aesthetic vs market value in the arts and architecture.
9. On truth in arts. On truth in architecture. Decorum and tectonics.
10. Aesthetics și east-ethics in architecture.
11. Arts. Border lines and border zones between arts.
12. Kant on arts and beauty. Hegel on arts and architecture. Hartmann on aesthetics.
13. Architecture and its associated arts
14. Architecture in cultural millieu. Architecture and sciences (complexity). Architecture and social sciences. Visual culture today
Teaching Method:
Teaching and comments on images and texts
Oral and written exam
Bachelard: La Poetique de l’Espace
G.M.Cantacuzino: Izvoare și popasuri
M.Diaconu: Pentru o estetică a tactilității
Hegel: Prelegeri de estetică
I.Ianoși: Despre sublim, Istoria filosofiei românești, Dicționarul operelor filosofice românești
A.Ioan Pentru o noua estetica a reconstructiei
N.Leach: Rethinking Architecture, Architecture and Revolution
PA Michelis: Estetica arhitecturii
C-tin Noica: Cuvânt ĩmpreună despre rostirea românească
A.Perez-Gomez: Chora: Intervals in the Philosophy of Architecture
C.Radu: Artă și convenție
B.Zevi: Limbajul modern al arhitecturii