CP-29 Architecture-Housing-Town

The Faculty of Architecture / Architectural Conservation and Restoration
2nd Year, sem 2, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1C+1L | ECTS Credits: 3
Course Leader:
Kázmér Kovács
Teaching Staff:
urb. Adriana Safta-Velicu
Learning outcomes:
Setting the theory and practice of architectural heritage in the general context of building the inhabited space; redefining the role of architectural design; teaching the students methods of the critical approach to matters of architectural theo0ry; specific aspects of dwelling in relation to architectural and urban heritage
Introduction: the post-urban era
Coordinates of the inhabitable space> on delimitations and thresholds
Kinds of dwellings: a typology of urban settlements
„Urban sprawl” – the aesthetics of the suburban areas
The question of the scale of the layout
Historical towns
Vernacular heritage
Transformation of the urban fabric into a museum
Gardens and green areas in the European cities
The landscape
Dwelling in a historical monument
Urban intervention and the conservation of the cultural heritage
A few case studies – elements for a methodology
Towards an integrated theory of the urban dwelling
Teaching Method:
Evaluation of the implication of the students durinh the semester
Françoise Choay, Pour une anthropologie de l’espace, Paris, le Seuil, 2006
Le Corbusier, Vers une architecture,
Le Corbusier, La Charte d’Athènes, Paris, Editions de Minuit, 1957

other relevant texts (Alexander, Benevolo, Geddes, Giovannoni, Merlin, Mumford, Webber,
Bunschoten, Choay, Rykwert, Broadbent, Zahariade)
The general frame of the course follows the homonymous course given in the fourth semester of the Faculty of Architecture, with emphasis on the heritage aspects of the general matter of dwelling.