SFA-126 Private Space vs. Public Space

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture
5th Year, sem 2, 2024-2025 | Optional Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2
Fișa disciplinei:
FA-A SFA-126 Spatiu privat vs. spatiu public.pdf
Study of Form and Ambience
Course Leader:
lect.dr.arh. Mihnea Mihăilescu
Teaching language:
Learning outcomes:
The analysis of the interaction between man and the ambient, also the specific typologies of the interior space. The study approaches the morphological elements of the interior space form, an historic point of view, with an emphasis on the contemporaneous and modern architecture. The components of the ambient’s scenography are analyzed: materials, colors, textures, etc. seen in natural and artificial light.
1. Defining course issues
2. The concept of space
3. The reciprocal phenomenon of interior space-outer space
4. Encoding and decoding of space
5. The "temporal" dimension of the space
6. The "kinetic" dimension of the space
7. Convention-form and meaning of the space
8. Interior space - outer space throughout history
9. Private Space - Public Space Throughout History
10. Analysis of the architectural space of the main monuments of antiquity
11. Analysis of the architectural space of the main monuments of modern architecture
12. Analysis of the space of the main monuments of contemporary architecture
13. Redefining the concept of private space and its relations with public space in contemporary architecture
14. Interior Architecture Issues in Romanian Architecture
Teaching Method:
- course
- slideshows and video clips
- tests
- final essay
Argan, Arnheim, Ballo, Benevolo, Berthold, Calvesi, Curinschi, Dagutin, Dâmboianu, Dorfles, Elger, Frampton, De Fusco, Gentile, Giedion, Golomstock, Gössel, Hersey, Hitler, Ikonnikov, Joltovski, Karcher, Kopp, Kostot, Lampugnani, Montenero, March, de Michelis, Moretti, Munari, de Noblet, Pagano, Perrucho, Pevsner, Ponti, Ragon, Sartoris, Speer, Tafuri & Dal Co, S.Vasilescu, Zevi, Watkin