SDU-2 Techniques of oral and written dissemination of scientific information

Doctoral School of Urban Planning
1st Year, sem 1, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 5
Course Leader:
prof. dr. ecol., dr. geogr., habil.urb. Alexandru-Ionuț Petrișor
Learning outcomes:
The course aimed at forming core research skills, focusing on disseminating results by publishing articles and delivering conference presentations.
There is a theoretical side - understanding the info, and a practical one - writing up an article for 3 extra credits.
1. Core concepts: typology and steps of research, evaluation and promotion criteria, publications: ISI and national classifications.
2. Attending conferences: making and presenting a poster, making an oral presentation, writing up an abstract and an extended paper
3. Writing up scientific articles: literature review, article drafting and publishing, fundamentals of peer review
4. Communication in science
Teaching Method:
Lectures with Power Point slides and discussions
Students attending over 7% of lectures receive full credit. Students with low/no attendance required must do a unique homework: on 1/2 page, present the structure of future thesis in an article format, with respect to the structure of main sections. Conditions: A4 page, margins at least 2 cm., font Times New Roman size 12, single spacing, saving as PDF only. Failure to comply with the editing conditions makes the assignment unacceptable.
1. Petrișor A.-I. (2012), Abordare și metode de cercetare. Note de curs, Editura Universitară „Ion Mincu”, București, România, 117 pag.;

2. Petrișor A.-I. (2014), Abordare și metode de cercetare cu elemente de autorat științific, Editura Universitară „Ion Mincu”, București, România, 174 pag.;

3. Petrișor A.-I. (2019), The use and misuse of statistics in research: theory and practice, Revista Română de Statistică 67(2): 59-70;

4. Petrișor A.-I. (2020), Peer Review Under the Ethical Lens: Possible Questions, BOSNIACA - Journal of the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina 25: 183-197;

5. Ianoș I., Petrișor A.-I. (2020), An Overview of the Dynamics of Relative Research Performance in Central-Eastern Europe using a Ranking-Based Analysis derived from SCImago Data, Publications 8(3): 36;

6. Petrișor A.-I. (2021), Predation, plagiarism, and perfidy, portal: Libraries and the Academy 21(4): 685-693