SDU-17 Transdisciplinary creative and heuristic research methods

Doctoral School of Urban Planning
1st Year, sem 1, 2023-2024 | Facultative Course | Hours/Week: 1C | ECTS Credits: 2
Course Leader:
prof. dr. arh. Cerasella Craciun
Learning outcomes:
The course aims to train the integrated approach and fundamental research skills, with special emphasis on the interpretation, use, understanding of differences, evaluation / self-evaluation and application of classical research methods versus creative, heuristic and transdisciplinary research methods, in the framework of fundamental scientific research ( pure and oriented) or applied (practical and experimental), mono- or inter-disciplinary, addressed in doctoral theses.
1. Introduction. Importance, Methodological Approaches and Research and Study Methods in Landscape, Urbanism, Regional Development and Territorial Planning.
2. EPISTEMOLOGY. The relationship between Philosophy and Science. Paradigm, Concepts of Truth and Falsehood in the Philosophy of Knowledge. Theories of Knowledge.
3. RESEARCH METHOD, METHODOLOGY, TECHNIQUE, PROCEDURE, MODEL AND HYPOTHESIS – Definitions of terms, explanations, applications and examples. The value and criteria of scientific research. Examples.
5. CLASSIC METHODS OF STUDY AND RESEARCH (Application of a theory; Method of combining two or more different theories; Method of Revision of Hypotheses; Method of contradiction; Method of Criticism; Method of Renewal / Renovation; Method of Transfer of Concepts; Method of Limits). Examples.
6. CREATIVE RESEARCH METHODS (Method of Details; Method of Residues; Method of Experimental Disorder; Method of Decomposition Matrix; Method of presentation or representation / Diagraphic Method; Method of Visualization; Method of Marking / Plotting; Method of Lawyer; Method of Incompetence). Examples.
7. Heuristics, Heuristic System and CREATIVE HEURISTIC and META-EURISTIC research METHODS. Examples.
8. Transgressing the classic research frontiers. Transdisciplinarity and TRANSDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH METHODS. Examples.
9. New EXPLORATORY RESEARCH METHODS in Urban Planning, in "sensitive analysis" and Quasi/Semi-Natural, Anthropogenic and Cultural Landscape research, in Regional Development and Spatial Planning.
10. BIOETHICS IN RESEARCH AND TRANSFORMATIONAL EDUCATION; The Relationship Bioethics / Biotechnology / Biotheology – Sustainable Development / Eco-Sustainability / Resilience). Examples.
11. Transdisciplinary heuristic research tools. MEMETICS and META-ETHICS in the INFORMATION SOCIETY, in the KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY and in the CONSCIOUSNESS SOCIETY
12. TRANSDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH. The "Black Swan" Theory / Uncertainty Principle / Probability and Knowledge / Risk and Evolution - in Landscape, Urbanism, Regional Development and Spatial Planning. Examples.
Teaching Method:
Ex-chair lectures / physical/online lectures on the Zoom platform, with Power Point, Prezi support; guests, interactive discussions, case studies, examples and applications; Google Drive group.
The active presence and evolution of the doctoral student during the course, answers to the questions during the course, the application of the information acquired during the course to the research on one's own doctoral thesis.
•Augsburg, Tanya, Becoming Interdisciplinary. An Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies, Dubuque, Kendall Hunt, 2005.
•Bachelard, Gaston, Formation of the Scientific Mind, Clinamen Press Ltd., 2006.
•Babbie, Earl, Practica cercetării sociale, Editura Polirom, 2010.
•Bohm, D., Science as Perception-Communication, in The Structure of Scientific Theories, Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1974.
•Cassinari, Davide, Hillier, Jean, Miciukiewicz, Konrad, Novy, Andreas, Habersack, Sarah, MacCallum, Diana, Moulaert, Frank, Transdiciplinary Research in Social Polis, Social Polis. European Agenda for Research on Cities and Social Cohesion, 2011.
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•Chelcea, Septimiu, Metodologia cercetării sociologice. Metode cantitative și calitative, Editura Economică, 2001.
•Constantinescu, N.N., Probleme ale metodologiei de cercetare în știința economică, București, Ed. Economică, 1998.
•Crăciun, Cerasella, Metode de abordare și cercetare exploratorii în urbanism și peisagistică. Epistemologia și Transdisciplinaritatea - Instrumente de cercetare a Peisajului Natural, Antropic și Cultural., Editura Universitară "Ion Mincu", Bucuresti, 2012.
•Crăciun, Cerasella, Metode și Tehnici de Cercetare, Editura Universitară București, 2015.
•Crăciun, Cerasella, Methodes Of Analysis, Diagnosis and Therapy in the Human Settlements’ Landscape, pp.869-879, in Horticulture - Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Volume 66 (2), Cluj Napoca, 2009.
•Crăciun, Cerasella, Pluridisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity - methods of researching the metabolism of the urban landscape, in Planning and Designing Sustainable and Resilient Landscapes (editors: Crăciun, Cerasella; Bostenaru-Dan, Maria), Springer Geography, Editura Springer, 2014.
•Crăciun, Cerasella, Manifest pentru o Schimbare de Paradigmă în Educația Transformațională Conștientă a Viitorului, în Capitolul „Educație Transformațională”, Mentoring Project – Calitatea Vieții. Tehnologie în retroumanism. Viitorul cu puterea Comunităților – Caiet Documentar 5 (editori coordonatori: Marius Stoian, Magor Csibi, Grațian Mihăilescu), Editura Club România, 2020.
•Dearden, Joel, Wilson, Alan, Explorations in Urban and Regional Dynamics. A case study in complexity science, Routledge, 2015.
•Delors, Jacques, Comoara lăuntrică. Raportul către UNESCO al Comisiei Internaționale pentru educație în sec. XXI, Ed. Polirom, Iași, 2000.
•Funtowicz, Silvio O., Ravetz, R. Jerry, A New Scientific Methodology for Global Environmental Issues, in: Costanza R. (ed.) Ecological Economics: The Science and Management of Sustainability, New York, Columbia University Press, 1991.
•Jessop, Bob, Sum, Ngai-Ling, On Pre- and Post-Disciplinarity in (Cultural) Political Economy, Économie et société-Cahiers de l’ISMEA, 39(6), 993-1015, 2003.
•Kafatos, Menas, Drăgănescu, Mihai, Principles of Integrative Science, București, Editura Tehnică, 2003.
•Drăgănescu, Mihai, Profunzimile lumii materiale, Bucuresti, Editura Politica, 1979.
•Kuhn, Thomas, S., Structura revoluțiilor științifice, Ed. Humanitas, București,1999.
•Laudan, L., Progress and its Problems. Towards a Theory of Scientific Growth, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1977.
•Lazarsfeld, Paul F., An Empirical Theory of Social Action - Collected Writings, Edited by Christian Fleck & Nico Stehr, The Bardwell Press, 2011.
•Montello, Daniel, Sutton, Paul, An Introduction to Scientific Research Methods in Geography and Environmental Studies, Second Edition, Sage Publications Ltd, 2013.
•Moraru, Ion, Strategii creative transdisciplinare. Introducere în scientoeuristica, Editura Academiei Române, 1992.
•Nicolescu, Basarab, Transdisciplinaritatea. Manifest, Ed. Polirom, Iasi, 1999.
•Nicolescu, Basarab, Manifesto of transdisciplinarity, New York, SUNY Press, 2002.
•Odobleja, Stefan, Psihologia Consonantista, Editura Științifica și Enciclopedică, București, 1982.
•Rădulescu, Mihaela St, Metodologia cercetării științifice, Ediția a II-a, Editura Didactică și Pedagogică, 2011.
The course can be followed by students of the Doctoral School of Urbanism (S.D.U.) who wish to deepen their studies in the 2nd or 3rd year of their doctorate or to complete their doctoral thesis, as well as by students of the Doctoral School of Architecture from U.A.U.I.M.