SDA-3 Identity and vulnerability (1)

Doctoral School of Architecture
1st Year, sem 1, 2024-2025 | Optional Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 5
Course Leader:
prof.em.dr.arh. Cristina-Olga Gociman
Learning outcomes:
- In-depth knowledge of the causes that produce huge losses of human lives, patrimony, economic, environmental values, generated by natural, anthropogenic or combined hazards, which irreversibly affect communities. Hazard, exposed element, vulnerability and risk – concepts decoded.
- Adapting the principles of ecosystem organization of biological systems to the built space.
1. Size of exposure to risk/Impact of hazards on the population, built environment and social economic life, examples, statistics.
2. Premises/Generalities.
3. Risk profile in Romania – INFORM report; Global Risk Index (Global Risk Index).
4. The RO-RISK project/Quantification of human risk, economic risk, social risk, financial risk, average annual GDP losses caused by natural and anthropogenic hazards.
5. The international institutional framework for disaster risk reduction/European institutional framework – The European Commission's risk reduction strategy.
6. The national institutional framework for multihazard risk reduction.
7. General principles of research / The principle of sustainable development / The extension of the principle of the ecosystem approach to non-biological systems / The characteristics of the ecosystem / The anthropized ecosystem ÷ The entropic ecosystem.
8. Principle of resilience/ Principle of smart development/ Principle of participatory management/ Principle of heritage protection/ Principle of spatial belonging
9. The principle of risk reduction management - Disaster Risk Reduction - DRR/ Specific terminology, hazard, elements exposed to risk, vulnerability, risk.
10. Hazard/Definition/Classification/Hazard in Romania.
11. Elements exposed to risk/Definition/Classification
12. Element exposed to risk – human space
13. Value analysis of elements exposed to risk/Objectives/Multi-criteria evaluation/Qualitative evaluation and quantitative quantification.
14. Cultural resource value, assigning codes/ Information sources/ Value studies/ Evaluation criteria/ Classification.
Teaching Method:
Hybrid: - Physical or online course;
- Dialogue;
- PowerPoint presentation;
- Individual research reports.
Integration of hearing, involvement, response through reports.
1. Aristotle Fizica Cartea VI, Traducere si note H.I. Barbu, Ed. Stiintifica, Bucuresti, 1966 (In Romanian);
2. Arup Rockfeller competition (2005) – The city resilience framework CRF,;
3. Bălan, St. Cristescu, V. Cornea, I. (Coordonatori)(1982): Cutremurul de pământ din România din 4 martie 1977, Ed. Academiei, Bucuresti;
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27. Glade Thomas, Albini Paola, Francés Félix - The use of historical data in natural hazard assessments, 2001
28. Gociman Cristina Olga (2006) - Managementul reducerii riscului la dezastre. Strategii de arhitectura si urbanism, Bucuresti
29. Gociman, Georgescu, S.R., Florescu, T. (2016): Strategii, reziliențe în reducerea riscului la multihazard, Editura Universitară „Ion Mincu”, București
30. Gociman Cristina Olga (2000)- Tipologia hazardului si dezvoltarea durabila. Generalitati, concept, problematica, Bucuresti
31. Gociman, C.O. et al, 2012-2016, URBASRISK, Project “Urban Blocks in Central Protected Area in Multiple Hazard Approach – Assessment, Mapping and Strategies for Risk Mitigation. Case Study: Bucharest Destructured Zone by Razing Occurring in the Communist Period”, 2012-2016, UAUIM Urban INCERC and UEFISCDI Agency, 2012,
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33. Hegel, R George Wilhelm Friederich-Volesungen uber die Philosophie der Geschichte (Prelegeri de filozofia a istoriei 1822-1831) (In Romanian)
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