SDA-16 The vernacular architecture in the 21st century

Doctoral School of Architecture
1st Year, sem 2, 2023-2024 | Facultative Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2
Course Leader:
prof.dr.arh. Iuliana Ciotoiu
Learning outcomes:
Acquiring knowledge in the field of vernacular architecture studying the concepts and theories of the protection of vernacular heritage in the context of contemporary civilization. The use of basic knowledge in the field, for the management and sustainable valorization of the vernacular architectural heritage
Vernacular architecture, vernacular heritage
Vernacular architecture research experiences
The relationship between natural and built environment. Populations, settlements. Material resources, construction techniques
Programs of vernacular architecture
Planimetric, volumetric, structural typologies, spatial relations.
Vernacular architecture in Romania
Vernacular architecture in Europe
Vernacular architecture in the twnty-first century. Sustainability of vernacular heritage
Vernacular heritage and architectural education
Interventions on vernacular architecture
Vernacular heritage management
Sustainable valuation of vernacular heritage
Teaching Method:
Lectures, discussions, visits to museums
Bernea, Ernest, Civilizația română sătească, Ed. Vremea, București, 2006
Budiș, M., Gospodăria rurală din România, Ed. Etnologică, București, 2004
Gaivoronschi, V., Matricile spațiului traditional, Paideia, București, 2002
Ionescu, Gr., Arhitectura populară românească, Ed. Tehnică, București, 1957
Jora, L., Ghid Valorizarea patrimoniului pe piața muncii din Uniunea Europeană, București, 2015
Keane, M.J., Quinn J.,Rural development and rural tourism,Social Sciences Research Centre,Salway, 1990
Minguet, J., M., Eco Refurbishement, Monsa, 2010
Oliver, P., Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Cambridge University Press, 1997
Velinga, M.,Vernacular Architecture in 21th Century, London, 2005