Coordinator: prof.dr.arch. Ana-Maria DABIJA
The Center for Architectural and Urban Studies CSAU was set up to create within our University a suitable framework for studying the way the territories - urban and extra urban - are established and transformed, in relation to historical evolutions based on morphology, typology and architecture, in relation to how they are used and to cultural developments.
The Center aims to develop applied research activities, representing the non-academic component of the University, through which both students, PhD students, teachers and labor market specialists have the opportunity to interact through specific academic and research means: exhibitions, workshops, conferences, symposia, training courses, etc.
CSAU's activities aim at promoting the concept of cultural landscape as a heritage in addressing the urban and extra-urban territory, the architectural and urban cultural areas and their study from an inter- and multidisciplinary perspective. One of the Center's core objectives is to provide a framework for an active exchange of ideas and pluridisciplinary reflections on the domains it is studying, by promoting and concluding protocols of collaboration with institutions of equal interest, Romanian and foreign, as well as by promoting consistent policies of collaborating with scientific and cultural personalities that are distinct in their respective fields.
The UAUIM Architectural and Urban Studies Center represents a bench for an open dialogue and academic research dedicated to the interdisciplinary study from the scale of the territory to the detail scale, from the architectural perspective to the anthropological architecture, from architecture to engineering, from the conceptual immaterial to the space, from idea to product.
The participation of all students, PhD students and young specialists in all CSAU activities is an essential objective of the Center - they will have the opportunity to strengthen their professional culture and prepare for research.
In the coordination of CSAU the following working groups, consisting of teachers, researchers, professionals and students, are functioning:
- AntropoArh - The research workshop in architectural anthropology - coordinator Assist. Dr. Arch. Anda Ioana Sfinteș
- The Circle of Architectural Technologies - coordinator Dr. Arch. Radu Sfinteș
- Applied Architecture Studio - coordinators Dr. Arch. Radu Sfinteș, Prof. Dr. Arch. Ana-Maria Dabija
- Architectural Innovation Studio - coordinator Arch. Dan Coma
- Working group for the partnership with the Academy of Technical Sciences of Romania - coordinator Prof. Em. Dr. Arch. Emil Barbu Popescu
Of the regular activities we call:
- CSAU-UAUIM symposiums, that take place at a frequency of 2 manifestations / year, in partnership with ROMEXPO [www.facebook.com/UAUIM]
- Thematic meetings, presentations and workshops
The dissemination of the results of the research activity is finalized by publishing them in the Ion Mincu University Publishing House (in bilingual editions), either in dedicated volumes or as articles in the Argument magazine. Of the published volumes, we recall those that have been published in the past two years:
- "Contemporary Architectures - From Object to Territory" (coord. Ana-Maria Dabija, Anda-Ioana Sfinteș), "Ion Mincu" University Publishing House, Bucharest, 2017, ISBN 978-606-638-170-3
- "Energy and Environment in a Contemporary Context" (coord. Ana-Maria Dabija), Ion Mincu University Publishing House, Bucharest, 2018, ISBN 978-606-638-171-0 (event organized in partnership with the Renewable Energies Commission of the Romanian Academy, SUNE, APMCR and Academy of Sciences of Romania)
- "Catalogue of subassemblies. Vol. 1: Principle Solutions for Thermal Insulation Systems for the Building Envelope "(coord. Ana-Maria Dabija, authors: Radu Sfinteș and others), Ion Mincu University Publishing House, Bucharest, 2018, ISBN 978-606- 638-178-9
Universitatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism „Ion Mincu”
str. Mihail Moxa 3-5, 010961 București, România
tel: 0721608423, fax: +40.21 312.39.54
web: www.uauim.ro