UT-14 Geography and Urban Ecology

The Faculty of Urban Planning / Urban Design and Planning
2nd Year, sem 1, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2
Course Leader:
lect.dr.urb. Matei Cocheci
Learning outcomes:
The course aims to introduce students in the domains of urban geography and urban ecology. Some concepts used in domains related to urban and territorial planning (environmental protection, urban climate, natural risk management, but also socio-economical and institutional aspects). The main objective of the course is for the student to be able to apply principles and approaches from geographical sciences and ecology in activities related to analysis and urban design.

The course is structured in two parts. The first focuses on the domain of urban geography, aiming to explain the evolution of urbanization and to present, synthetically, the main characteristics of cities: socio-economical, environmental, institutional aspects, as well as aspects regarding the relationships at the level of settlement systems. The second part presents the domain of urban ecology, focusing on understanding the relationships between the ecosphere and the socio-economical system and on the description of contemporary approaches in city planning: the challenge of climate change, green infrastructure or sustainable neighbourhoods.
Urban geography
1. Urban geography in the framework of geographical sciences.
2. The city - definitions, individualization criteria, systemic approach.
3. The genesis of urban systems. Urbanization and suburbanization.
4. Analyzing the internal structure of cities - elements of economic and social geography.
5. Environmental degradation sources in the city. Quality of the urban environment. The vulnerability of cities.
6. Urban governance aspects.
7. Settlement systems.

Urban ecology
1. Introduction. Notions of general ecology.
2. The ecosystem. Energetic cycles and biogeochemical cycles.
3. Types of ecosystems. The city as an ecosystem - urban metabolism.
4. The anthropization of environmental factors: air, water, soil, biological factors.
5. Urban climate and climate resilience.
6. Conserving biological diversity. Urban biodiversity. Green infrastructure
7. The principle of sustainable development. Sustainable neighbourhoods.
Teaching Method:
Lectures and discussions on case studies.
50 % essay Urban Geography + 50 % exam Urban Ecology
Urban geography
Cocheci, R.M., (2020), Geografie urbană. Sinteze pentru viitori specialiști în amenajarea teritoriului și urbanism, Editura Universitară ”Ion Mincu”, București, ISBN 978-606-638-205-2.
Beaujeu-Garnier, J., Chabot, G. (1971). Geografie urbană, Editura Științifică.
Iojă, I.C. (2008). Metode și tehnici de evaluare a calității mediului în aria metropolitană a municipiului București, Editura Universității din București, București.
Pascariu, G. (2011). Structura și dinamica sistemelor de așezări umane în procesul de planificare teritorială. Editura Universitară Ion Mincu, București.
Legea nr. 351/2001 privind aprobarea Planului de Amenajare a Teritoriului Național – Secțiunea IV: Rețeaua de localități.

Urban ecology
Commoner, B. (1980). Cercul care se închide. Natura, omul și tehnica, Editura Politică, București.
Douglas, I. (2013). Cities. An environmental history, I.B. Tauris, Londra.
Primack, R. B., Pătroescu, M., Rozylowicz, L., & Iojă, C. (2002), Conservarea diversității biologice. Editura Tehnică.
Petrișor, A.I. (2008). Ecologie urbană, dezvoltare spațială durabilă și legislație, Editura Fundației România de Mâine, București.
Sârbu, C. (2005). Habitatul urban în expansiune periubană, Editura Universității de Arhitectură și Urbanism ”Ion Mincu”, București.
Terrin, J.J. (2015). Villes et changement climatique. Ilots de chaleur urbains, Parenthèses.
Tufescu, V., Tufescu, M. (1981). Ecologia și activitatea umană. Editura Albatros, București.