- Fișa disciplinei:
- FI-I SFA-25 Fabricatie digitala.pdf
- Department:
- Study of Form and Ambience
- Course Leader:
- Andreea Iosif
- Learning outcomes:
- The course gives the students the capacity to computer design their projects in a software environment suitable for digital prototyping. The presented techniques are exemplified through hands-on work that addresses profession-specific issues.
The student will learn how to use a CNC milling machine, how to prepare their models of the milling process and finally they will execute their models.
The course will start with an exposure to the general notions regarding machine fabrication (the first part of the course)and continues through to the physical building of an object designed by each student.
- Content:
- Here is the translation into English:
1. Organization: Presentation of discipline regulations, + setup of communication channels (discussion group, upload drive, resource site link). Centralizing students' skills and interests (survey). Presentation of the project topic.
Work safety regulations. Presentation of equipment @mac and @fab.
2. Introduction to digital fabrication. Fabrication techniques. Fabrication tools.
3. About correct 3D modeling (watertight).
4. Laser cutting: Establishing the fabrication strategy according to physical requirements and specific cases. Proper processing of the model.
5. Evaluation and consultation session for models submitted in Phase 1 of the project.
6. CNC I: General presentation, applications, specific cases: single-face cutting, double-sided cutting, multi-sided cutting, 2D cutting, cutting long pieces, and engraving.
7. CNC II: Establishing the fabrication strategy according to physical requirements and specific cases. Proper processing of the model.
Loading the model into the machine's software and choosing settings according to physical requirements and specific cases.
8. 3D Printing: Establishing the fabrication strategy according to physical requirements and specific cases. Proper processing of the model.
Loading the model into the machine's software and choosing the settings.
9. Evaluation and consultation session for models submitted in Phase 2 of the project.
10-14. Work on Phase 3 of the project, according to a schedule agreed upon with the instructor.
- Teaching Method:
- Computer work with guidance and theoretical exposure
OBS: The necessary consumables (tape,wood plugsand fixing PFL), and different design materials (wood, MDF, polystyrene, foams) will be acquired by the participating students, the CNC machines being provided by the University.
- Assessment:
- Final evaluation of the project during the course (25%) and the project (75%).
Final delivery of the model is conditioned by at least 2 sessions of teacher guidance.
- Bibliography:
- Website: https://stufonote.wixsite.com/cgimincu/fabricatie-digitala
Suport echipament: https://www.rolanddga.com/support/products/milling/modela-pro-ii-mdx-540-3d-milling-machine