PID-75 Ergonomics and Technical Drawing

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Furniture and Interior Design
1st Year, sem 1, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C+2L | ECTS Credits: 4
Interior Design and Design
Course Leaders:
Learning outcomes:
- însușirea elementelor teoretice fundamentale de ergonomie și desen tehnic, care condiționează practica în arhitectura de interior, în designul de produs și mobilier
- particularizarea elementelor specifice ce definesc ergonomia spațiului arhitectural interior în cadrul programelor arhitecturale, a obiectelor de design și a mobilierului
- lucrări practice realizate cu scopul parcurgerii tematice a cursului teoretic prin documentare, exemplificări și verificări
LESSON 1,2 Concepts: ERGONOMICS, functional interior space
- an area of practice in the scientific field of work psychology, which, by bringing together experts in psychology and physiology and technicians, focuses on the organization of the “man – machine – work conditions” system in a way that brings the biologic costs to a minimum and enhances effectiveness to a maximum.
- its purpose is to adapt work tasks and the work environment so that they suit workers and to adapt the workers to the work tasks and the work environment.
- the optimization of the performance of the “man – machine – work conditions” system.
- an interdisciplinary area of practice (being related to industrial technology, industrial design, psychology, ergometry, etc.)
- ergonomics is indispensable for any area of practice
- ergometry, a field of measurement science
1. Introduction to the theory of the functional interior space (architecture programs):
1.1. Short history – origin and development
1.2. Typologies – basic programs
- complex programs (mixes between basic programs)
2. The conceptual dimension of architecture programs – a synthetic discipline of contemporary architecture
2.1. Architecture program = principles and methods for arranging space (both at the interior and at the exterior), having the building, the construction as purpose
2.2. Design theme = the architecture project with specific location, dimensions and natural and built environment features
2.3. Architecture project = the purpose of the research carried according to the design theme (in relation to a certain social command)
LESSON 3 3. Form – function + technicalities and technology in architectural practice 3.1. Architecture projects = program – theme – architecture project
3.2. Approaching and drafting an architecture project:
3.2.1. A functional scheme
3.2.2. Dimensions, ergometry and ergonomics 3.2.3. Volumetry (composition laws)
LESSONS 4 4. Architectural programs (examples)
4.1. Civil programs
a) housing
b) cultural, educational and religious
c) healthcare
d) leisure, sport, tourism
e) trade + business
f) institutions
g) production (industrial, agricultural, transportation)
4.2. Military (defence) programs
LESSONS 5-7 + WORKSHOPS (technical design)
5. Housing program
5.1. The house as an architecture program
5.2. The ergonomics of the interior space of the house (purposes)
5.3. The design of the necessary objects and furniture
5.4. Graphical representation. Dimensions. Quotes.
LESSON 8,9 + WORKSHOPS (technical design)
6. Cultural programs (theatres, cinemas, philharmonics, libraries)
7. Educational programs (nurseries, kindergartens, schools, high-schools, universities)
LESSON 10,11 + WORKSHOPS (technical design)
8. Leisure programs
- sport (sports halls, pools, stadiums)
- tourism (motel, hostel, hotel)
LESSON 12,13 + WORKSHOPS (technical design)
9. Trade programs (shops, malls)
LESSON 14 + WORKSHOPS (technical design)
10. Bussines programs
-office buildings

Teaching Method:
- every program that is studied will have functional schemes and will be dimensioned according to current standards
- 4-5 tests
- final exam
ERNST and PETER NEUFERT - Architects’ Data, Third Edition
Ed. School of Architecture, Oxford Brooks University