PID-6 Practical Exercises (Survey)

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Furniture and Interior Design
1st Year, sem 2, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2L | ECTS Credits: 2
Fișa disciplinei:
FI-M PID-6 Activitati practice (releveu).pdf
Interior Design and Design
Course Leader:
conf. Cristina Șerban
Teaching Staff:
conf.dr.arh. Cristina Șerban, lect.dr.arh. Cristina Chira
Learning outcomes:
Learning to achieve all measurements of an interior space that has to be furnished. Learning the methods, tools and necessary elements of such a survey document, drawn up correctly and completely. Techniques of representation. Team working.
There will be studied an interior space that will be completely arranged.
Teaching Method:
Lectures / presentations during the workshop and / or online - explanation of notions, examples, topic presentations, details, discussions, comments and corrections individually and collectively.
Project coordination and evaluation.
10% - one point ex officio (conditioned according to the Regulation)
40% - active presence during the workshops and interractive corrections (for each
phases related to the study and to working way throughout the project)
40% - the average obtained at the final handover
10% - way of public presentation of the project
Neufert, Ernst - Manualul arhitectului, Ed. Alutus, Miercurea Ciuc 2004
Ching, D.K. Francis - Architectural Graphics, Ed. John Willey & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, New Jersey, 2015
Kilmer, W. Otie & Resemary - Construction Drawings and Details for Interiors: Basic Skills, Ed. John Willey & Sons, Inc.,2003
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