PID-147 Design studio (1.1)

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Furniture and Interior Design
1st Year, sem 1, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1C+9P | ECTS Credits: 6
Fișa disciplinei:
FI-M PID-147 Atelier design (1.1).pdf
Interior Design and Design
Course Leader:
conf. Cristina Șerban
Teaching Staff:
conf.dr.arh. Cristina Șerban, lect.dr.arh. Cristina Chira
Learning outcomes:
Learning the architectural project reading, relating the representative drawings, architectural elements knowledge and their representation methods, comparative analysis – changint the character of the space by furnishing.
Students will learn the elements of architectural language, their way of graphical representation (plans, views, sections, etc. axonometries.) scale representation, representation lines etc. by architectural analysisof the house of the architect Mies van der Rohe - Fransworth House.
Teaching Method:
Course ”Housing furnishing (I)” - Lectures / presentations during the workshop and / or online - explanation of notions, examples, topic presentations, details, discussions, comments and corrections individually and collectively.
Project coordination and evaluation.
10% - one point ex officio (conditioned according to the Regulation)
40% - active presence during the workshops and interractive corrections (for each
phases related to the study and to working way throughout the project)
40% - the average obtained at the final handover
10% - way of public presentation of the project, including theoretical arguments and concern for meeting sustainability criteria
Jurov, Cosma - Ce este arhitectura?, Ed. Albatros, București, 1989
Neufert, Ernst - Manualul arhitectului, Ed. Alutus, Miercurea Ciuc 2004
Ching, D. Francis - Form Space Order, John Wley and Sons Publishers, New Jersey, 2007
Jurov, Cosma - Arhitectura ambianțelor, Ed. Capitel, București, 2008
Marcu-Lapadat, Marius - Introducere în arhitectura de interior, Ed. Simetria, București 2013
Ramstedt, Frida – Ghid de design interior: Amenajează, mobilează și decorează profesionist spațiul în care trăiești, Ed. Publica, București, 2020