SFA-23 Virtual Modeling

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Product Design
2nd Year, sem 1, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1C+1L | ECTS Credits: 3
Fișa disciplinei:
SFA-23 Modelare virtuala.pdf
Study of Form and Ambience
Course Leader:
conf. Andreea Iosif
Teaching Staff:
Mihai Chisarau
Learning outcomes:
During this course the students will learn how to handle virtual modeling and use it in their current design activity, from creating a conceptual shape through to detailing it and creating the execution and detailing drawings.
1. Introduction. Course presentation. Computer Graphics Basics
2. Rhinos. Communication with the program. Specific tools for surfaces. Specific tools for transformations and deformations
3, Autocad. Communication with the program. UCSs. Generating and editing solids.
4. Fusion 360. Interface and project management. Browser + history. Workspaces. Creating objects; parameters and functions. The plate
5. SketchUP. Interface and stage management. Coordinate systems and transformations. Generating and modifying objects. Instances.

Practical work:
1. Rhinoceros
a) temple b) chair:
a / Make a castle out of cubes, using the primitives provided by the program (box, sphere, etc.).
b / finish the chair started in class.

a) Chess horse, b) Rietveld chair,
a / finish G. Rietveld's chair
b / find a solution to shape this ashtray.

a) Famous architectural model: "John Pew House", Wisconsin.
a / Make the floor of the John Pew house yourself.
b / Propose and model a ladder for Wright's house. Staircase climbs 270cm and climbs from the ground floor to the first floor (located at choice)

4.Fusion 360
a / parametric model
b / kinematic assembly
homework: Design a piece of furniture (optional) of WxDxH size, which has at least one door and one drawer. The model can be schematic, but must be articulated on components

a) Table with chairs.
b) Column capital.
homework: Model the room you are used to working in.

Weeks 11-14 students develop seminar topics with guidance from teachers
Teaching Method:
Requirements and mode of operation

The activity at the Virtual Modeling course will take place exclusively online, on the Zoom platform. Students will enter the meeting with the ID provided by the holder through the heads of the year. It is mandatory for students to connect with the cameras on, the microphones off and display their real name. The connection can be made simultaneously from two devices (PC + smartphone), in case the student has to share screen on the application and his PC does not have a camera or microphone.

Admission to classes is free. Attendance is made by filling out a form with questions (quizz), when it is made public by the holder. The grade obtained at the quiz assesses the degree of attention to the course and counts the attendance. At seminars (also called “laboratory works” or “laboratories”) the ID will be announced by the heads of the year (but also posted on the discipline's website). Participants will be able to connect only with the consent of the teacher, who thus makes the presence in the first 5 minutes. The detailed procedure will be presented at the first laboratory.

For the proper conduct of laboratory work, it is necessary that each student has access to a computer that meets the minimum requirements for 3D graphics. Also, both in the classroom and in the labs, you will need a webcam or a device equipped with a camera, as well as a good internet connection.

The necessary software will be announced from the first meeting and will be installed on the computer before the teaching activity that will use it. Students will not be required to purchase software, all programs used are either free or usable in trial mode, or offered free of charge to students by manufacturers (with educational accounts).

If the holder finds that the above requirements have not been met, he shall be entitled to block the student's access to the sitting. For free entry courses, the meeting will be suspended if intrusions occur.
To complete this course, students must meet the following requirements:

Activity along the way:
a / solving seminar assignments (online and homework) 40%
b / individual topic 60% (with at least one mandatory online correction)

The exam consists of presenting the individual topic in a 5-minute interview to confirm the authorship of the paper.
A zero percentage on the a / requirement, or the lack of any correction on the b /, results in the student being excluded from the exam.

ATTENTION: in session 2 the grading will be done exclusively by oral examination, with a subject that can be solved in 3 hours with any of the learned programs (optional). The activity along the way is not taken into account in the overdue session.
Discipline webpage: https://stufonote.wixsite.com/cgimincu/modelare-virtuala
Useful links: