ST-93 Coating Materials - Paintings

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Furniture and Interior Design
3rd Year, sem 1, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2
Fișa disciplinei:
ST-93 Materiale de acoperire - vopsele.pdf
Technical Sciences
Course Leader:
conf. Gabriela Mindu
Learning outcomes:
The course offers to the future specialists in surface finishing activity the physico chemical base knowledge about interfaces, about material’s compatibility. Tehere are presented the principles of the main importante integrated systems in coatings formation from suport’s surface preparation to coatings characterization.

1 Introduction in surface’s science: surface termodynamics, superficial tension
2 Coatings: definition, classification, thermodynamic consideration about material’s compatibility
3 General properties of the coatings
4 Metallic Surface preparation prior coatings deposition
5 Plastic and wood surface preparation prior coatings deposition
6 Electrochemical deposition of the metals.
7 Chemical deposition of the metals on non conducting support
8 Polymeric systems used for organic coatings: resins, additives, solvents
9 The main group of natural and synthetic resins, properties
10 Pigmets in organic coatings
11 Nanocomposite hybrid systems in surface finishing
12 Classic systems and modern technologies in wood surface finishing
13 The influence of deposition technology on coating’s properties
14 Modern methods for coatings characterization
Teaching Method:
Class activity + examination
Oral exam of synthesis / improvement works, developed in teams of 3-4 students, following different topics of the course. The subjects will be established in advance, by agreement and under the guidance of the course holder. Final grade = exam grade (40%) + grade for the synthesis paper (60%)
1. O.Radovici, A. Banu, Bazele electrochimice ale coroziunii și prelucrării materialelor, Ed
Printech, București, 1999
2. Blaga, A; Robu, C, “Lacuri si vopsele - chimismul reactiilor” - Editura Tehnica Bucuresti
3. ISBN 973 -31-0427-2, p. 10; 17
4. Calbo, L, Handbook of Coatings Additives – New York, Marcel Deckker, 1999
5. ***High-Performance Organic Coatings, Ed. A.S. Khanna, Woodhead Publishing, 2008
6. ***Engineering Coatings - Design and application, Ed. Stan Grainger and Jane Blunt,
Woodhead Publishing, second edition, 1998
7. Evans, Corrosion Handbook, Ed Plenum Press, 2002
8. European Coatings, rev.
9. Journal of Arhitectural coatings, rev
10. Journal of Protective Coatings and Linings