SFA-92 Perspective

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Furniture and Interior Design
1st Year, sem 2, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C+1L | ECTS Credits: 3
Fișa disciplinei:
SFA-92 M Perspectiva.pdf
Study of Form and Ambience
Course Leaders:
Learning outcomes:
Starting from understanding how the human eye works, the main objective of the course is describing the formative elements to the development of vision, ‘thinking in space’ and the construction of the architectural perspective.
The study of perspective is approached through its two aspects:
• the perspective as a tool in design and as visual analysis of the object:
• the perspective as a method of illustrating within the architectural design.
The course does not aim to describe several methods of constructing perspective.
1 Axonometry. Definition, classifications.
2 The mechanism and the classification of perspective. Perspective on a vertical picture plane with two vanishing points.
3 The vanishing points and the measurement points. The line and the plane in perspective. Perspective divisions.
4 Perspective with raised horizon line. The distance point. Frontal perspective.
5 Drawing of shadows in perspective on the vertical picture plane.
6 Circle and sphere in perspective. Rendering of the depth.
7 The mirroring on the vertical picture plane. The perspective restitution.

Practical themes

1 Axonometric representation.
2 Construction of a perspective with 2 vanishing points with the horizon line at 1.80 m
Observation by optical instruments and sketch drawing by hand.
3 The vanishing points and the measurement points. Perspective divisions.
4 Perspective on the vertical picture plane with “raised horizon line”.
5 Frontal perspective.
6 Drawing of shadows and rendering of the depth in perspective.
7 The mirroring in perspective.
Teaching Method:
Lectures and computer examples, practical works with guidance.
Average of the best 5 grades at practical works = 40%, the final exam = 60%, with the requirement that the mark for the latter one is at least 4,5.
Iulius Ionescu - The Perspective – a tool in design, Editura Universitară „Ion Mincu”, 2009 – support for the course;
Mircea Enache și Iulius Ionescu - Descriptive geometry and Perspective, Ed. Didactică și Pedagogică București, 1983;
Horia Teodoru - Perspective, vol. 1-2, Ed. de Stat pt. Literatură și Artă, 1958;