PID-82 Architectural Lighting Design

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Furniture and Interior Design
3rd Year, sem 1, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2
Fișa disciplinei:
PID-82 Iluminat arhitectural.pdf
Interior Design and Design
Course Leaders:
Learning outcomes:
- knowledge of lighting terminology and of lighting design approach basics
- ability to analyse and to propose a creative lighting concept in terms of visual comfort, functionality and sustainable development
- knowledge of contemporary technology
Introduction. Short history of lighting fixture design
Lighting terminology.
Seeing, perception.
Technology: lamps, fixtures, luminous surfaces, lighting control systems
Lighting design approach
Exterior architectural lighting - visual pollution
Lighting design case studies for the main architectural programs
Teaching Method:
Power Point presentation
final evaluation
- homework (IAF - lighting design project) - 50%
- exam - 50%
Bianchi, Mira, Moroldo, Georgescu, Moroldo - Sisteme de iluminat interior și exterior, Matrix Rom 2001
Brandi, U - Lighting Design. Principles. Implementation. Case Studies, Birkhauser Edition Detail, 2006
Entwisle, J - Designing with light. Hotels, RotoVision SA, 2000
Fill, C.& P. - 1000 Lights, Taschen GmbH, 2005
Miclescu, S - Lumina naturală și lumina artificială în arhitectură- curs UAUIM
Neufert, E. & P. - Manualul arhitectului, Editura Alutus, 2004
Pracht, K - Licht + Raumgestaltung. Beleuchtung als Element der Architekturplan, Verlag C.F. Mueller – Heidelberg, 1994
Turner, J - Designing with light. Public Places, RotoVision SA, 1998

Normativ pentru proiectarea și executarea sistemelor de iluminat artificial din clădiri (NP – 061 – 02)