- Fișa disciplinei:
- PID-165 Sustenabilitate si tehnologie.pdf
- Department:
- Interior Design and Design
- Course Leader:
- lect.dr.arh. Daniel Armenciu
- Teaching Staff:
- lect. dr. arh. Daniel N. Armenciu / asist. drd. arh. Cristina Bălțoi, asist. drd. dsg. Cristina Duminică
- Learning outcomes:
- The discipline aims to acquire a general knowledge of sustainable design, in order to prepare the student to cope with the challengings of the following years regarding the evolution of the international phenomenon of sustainability in the fields of design and architecture.
Thus, the student will acquire sustainable design skills able to guide him to conceptual and technological choices adapted to the current realities with which the contemporary designer operates. The major objective of the two disciplines is to create a personal critical method of analysis and interpretation of the context in which an intervention is to be inserted, thus generating ecologically compatible products.
- Content:
- Course activity
The way of organizing the lectures is intended to be an interactive one, involving the active participation of students. Starting from general notions that make the introduction in the topics of the course, specific notions are brought cumulatively.
Seminar activity
During the semester, students will be involved in designing a sustainable interest object. This component of the discipline aims to facilitate practical operation with the notions presented in the course and thus increase their applicability in the current design.
Course topics:
• Concepts of sustainable development in design and architecture;
• Sustainable approach in the design process; Meta-design;
• Universal design; Human comfort;
• Support technologies and materials for sustainable design; Circular Design;
• Certification and labeling systems;
- Teaching Method:
- The way of organizing the lectures is meant to be an interactive one, involving the active participation of the students. Starting from the general notions that introduce the course topics, cumulative specific notions are added.
- Assessment:
- a) Seminar evaluation (75%) - Design of a sustainable interest object. The activity will take place in working groups consisting of maximum 4 students and must be validated by the professors. The failure to complete this phase, the equivalent of the activity during the course, conditions the impossibility to deliver the final exam paper and automatically leads to the failure of the discipline.
b) Final evaluation (25%) - The individual elaboration of an essay that will be delivered in the exam session, until the date established by the session calendar. Failure to take and / or not pass this phase, the equivalent of the active activity along the way, leads to the failure to take into account the final exam paper and to the failure to promote the discipline.
- Bibliography:
- • Armenciu, D., (2012), Teza de doctorat: Proiectul bioclimatic în arhitectura din România, Universitatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism „Ion Mincu”, București.
• Barbero, S., & Cozzo, B. (2012). Ecodesign.
• Barnett, J., & Beasley, L. (2015). Ecodesign for Cities and Suburbs.
• Calkins, M., (2012), The Sustainable Sites Handbook: A Complete Guide to the Principles, Strategies, and Best Practices for Sustainable Landscapes, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, SUA;
• Crowther, R.L., Ecologic Architecture, Butterworth-Heinemann 1992;
• Fuad-Luke, A. (2010). EcoDesign: The sourcebook. San Francisco: Chronicle Books.
• Gallaud, D., & Laperche, B. (2016). Circular economy, industrial ecology and short supply chain.
• Goldsmith, S., & PRP Architects (Firm). (2015). Universal design: A manual of practical guidance for architects.
• Ecodesign, The Life Cycle Of Products in OTTAGONO, Nr. 203 / septembrie / 2007 pp. 100-105;
• Erlandson, R. F. (2008). Universal and accessible design for products, services, and processes. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
• Ionac, N., (1998), Clima și comportamentul uman, Editura Enciclopedică, București.
• Maclay, W., Maclay Architects, (2014), The New Net Zero: Leading-Edge Design and Construction of Homes and Buildings for a Renewable Energy Future, Chelsea Green Publishing, White River Junction, USA;
• Nancy Jack Todd (2007). Ecodesign: des solutions pour la planete: l'aventure du New Alchemy Institute, Les Editions Ecosociete.
• Nasar, J. L., & Evans-Cowley, J. (2007). Universal design and visitability: From accessability to zoning. Columbus, Ohio: The John Glenn School of Public Affairs?.
• Neufert, E., Sturge, D., & Luhman, N. J. (2019). Architects' data.
• Ochinciuc, C., (2002), Conceptul dezvoltarii durabile în arhitectură: Proiectarea integrata, Editura Universitară „Ion Mincu”, București;
• Ochinciuc, C., (2006), Arhitectura și schimbarea climatică, Editura Universitară „Ion Mincu”, București;
• Ochinciuc, C., (2006*), Propunere de introducere a indicatorilor pentru clădirile durabile, Editura Universitară „Ion Mincu”, București;
• Olgyay, V., (1963), Design with climate: bioclimatic approach to architectural regionalism, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, USA;
• Slessor, C., ECO – TECH, Sustainable Architecture and High Technology, Thames and Hudson;
• Steinfeld, E., & Maisel, J. L. (2014). Universal design: Creating inclusive environments. Johanneshov: MTM.
• Yeang, K. (2008). Ecodesign: A manual for ecological design. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.
• Yeang, K., & Woo, L. (2010). Dictionary of Ecodesign: An Illustrated Reference. Hoboken: Taylor & Francis.