PID-152 Design final project (1.2)

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Furniture and Interior Design
1st Year, sem 2, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: - | ECTS Credits: 1
Fișa disciplinei:
FI-M PID-152 Proiect de verificare (1.2).pdf
Interior Design and Design
Course Leader:
conf. Cristina Șerban
Learning outcomes:
Checking the knowledge acquired during the year in the design workshop.
Completion of a furniture and interior design project in limited time.
The topic of the verification project will address functions studied in the workshop projects.
Teaching Method:
Individual project - exam.
10% - attendance at the Verification Project (1.1)
90% - the average obtained by evaluating the work handed over at the end of the working hours period by the teaching staff
Neufert, Ernst - Manualul arhitectului, Ed. Alutus, Miercurea Ciuc 2004
Jurov, Cosma - Arhitectura ambianțelor, Ed. Capitel, București, 2008
Melvin, Jeremy - Isme - sa intelegem stilurile arhitecturale, Ed. Rao, București 2008
Dumitrescu, Cristian - Stilistică de interior, Ed. Eurobit, Timișoara, 2012
Marcu-Lapadat, Marius - Introducere în arhitectura de interior, Ed. Simetria, București 2013
Ramstedt, Frida – Ghid de design interior: Amenajează, mobilează și decorează profesionist spațiul în care trăiești, Ed. Publica, București, 2020
The bibliography and other recommendations received during the workshop guidance will be consulted.
It is recommended to consult books from the school library on the architecture of collective housing and specialist books/magazines on interior design. Also, websites, product catalogs for materials, finishes, furniture, objects, etc. will be consulted. used in the project.
*Partially, the bibliography is made available to students by the holder.