May 3, 2006

In the frame of the ARCHEOSITES ("spAtial integRated enhanCement of arcHaEOlogical SITES") project (, developed within the European Initiative INTERREG III B CADSES (, CSAU (Architectural and Urban Studies Centre of the University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu), together with URBANPROIECT and with the strong help of the Molise Region, leading partner of the project, is organising an INFODAY

The meeting is to take place, on may the 5th, at CSAU's headquarter in no.5 Mihail Moxa st.

The INFODAY organized in Bucharest is part of many actions made in order to achieve one of the project’s: to disseminate results of the project and to establish a cooperation network among the specialists and public and private actors, involved in project problematic (architects, archaeologists, historians, urban planners, museum managers, etc.). The meeting will be an occasion to present and to discuss the project’s results and local situations. We hope that the meeting will be the occasion for an interesting dialogue.

INFODAY’s Programme / Friday, May 5th 2006

9.30 am - 11.30 am

  1. Project presentation: Objectives, partners, workpackages, network: - Francesco Manfredi Selvaggi, Luca Palazzo (Molise Region)
  2. Archeosites Pilot Project Overview - Management Plan of the Archaeological site of Urbs Salvia - Roberto Perna (Marche Region - University of Macerata)
  3. Romanian contribution – the role of the archaeological site in structuring urban development strategies, at local level and in relation with its territory - the archaeological site of the Old Court and the city of Bucharest – Marica Solomon with Andreea Popa, Simina Stan, Liviu Veluda (University of Architecture and Urban Planning Ion Mincu and URBANPROIECT)
  4. Archaeological site of the Old Court and Museum : history, site and management – Gheorghe Mănucu-Adameșteanu

11.30 - 11.45: Coffee break

11.45 - 2.00 pm

  1. Some of the newest archaeological digs in Bucharest ad problems regarding their management and possible exploitation - Gheorghe Mănucu-Adameșteanu, Monica Mărgineanu, Stefan Bâlici, Virgil Apostol
  2. Archaeological Heritage of Slovenian Cities and Development potential of archaeological heritage - Lenka Molek (Cultural Heritage Directorate, Ministry of Culture of Slovenia) Darja Oirkmajer, Natasa Kebe (Claustra Alpium Iuliarum)
  3. Research on the archeological sites in Brasov Country – Raluca Boangăr , Liviu Veluda, Andreea Popa
  4. Open debate