Architecture Degree Programme at “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
3rd Year, sem 1, 2023-2024

IT-9E | Medieval and Pre-modern Architecture in Romania

Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 3

Exam 14.06.2023

Traditional architecture in Romania - exam 14.06.2023.pdf


History & Theory of Architecture and Heritage Conservation
Course Leaders:
prof.dr.arh. Horia Moldovan
asist.dr.arh. Diana Mihnea
Teaching language:


Learning outcomes:

Defining the role of architectural history in the professional training of students, understanding this discipline as an essential cultural support for practicing architecture; understanding of the architectural phenomenon as an expression of regional and temporal features; establish criteria for analyzing architecture of the 13th-18th centuries, in relation with the criteria for local, regional and European features; understanding the history of architecture, the mutations, influences, transformations that punctuated as a useful working tools for the contemporary design, as well marked by "transition".


I. the intracarpatic space
Medieval settlements: origins and evolution;
Defensive architecture;
Cultural exchanges reflected in early-religious architecture;
Urban religious architecture during the medieval period;
Renaissance architecture;
Baroque architecture;

Ii. extracarpatic space
Medieval settlements in the Romanian extra-Carpathian space - origins and evolution;
Defensive architecture: case study – the architecture of monastic ensembles;
The Evolution of the Religious Architecture in Wallachia (14th-17th centuries);
The Evolution of the Religious Architecture in Moldova (14th-17th centuries);
Residential architecture in the extra-Carpathian space: Brancovan’s model and its influences;
The architecture of the Phanariot age in Wallachia and Moldavia;

Teaching Method:



final written exam;


GEORGESCU, Vlad - Istoria românilor, București, 1992;
BOIA, Lucian - Istorie și mit în conștiința românească, București, 1997;

BALȘ Gheorghe - Bisericile lui Ștefan Cel Mare, B.C.M.I., București, 1925
_______ - Bisericile moldovenești din veacul al XVI-lea, B.C.M.I., București, 1928
GHIKA-BUDEȘTI, Nicolae - L’ancienne architecture religieuse de la Valachie. Essay de synthèse – quatre conférences tenues á la Sorbenne, École des hautes études, Séction des sciences réligieuses, București, 1942
IONESCU, Grigore - Istoria arhitecturii pe teritoriul Romaniei, București, 1982;
RUSU, Adrian Andrei - Castelarea carpatică: fortificații și cetăți din Transilvania și teritoriile învecinate (sec. XIII-XIV), Cluj-Napoca, ed. Mega, 2005
TEODORESCU, Răzvan - Civilizația românilor între medieval și modern, București, 1987;
VĂTĂȘIANU, Virgil - Istoria artei feudale în Țările Române, ediția a II-a, Cluj Napoca, Fundația Culturală Română, 2001, reeditare a lucrării publicate la București, ed. Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, 1959